1. Knowledge Base
  2. Evolt 360 Scan Results
  3. Understanding the Evolt 360 Results

Why the progressive scan results aren't as you expected?

Firstly, the technology of bioimpedance is measuring the resistance and reactance of tissue of the cells, therefore, it is very important that all scans are performed under the exact same conditions to provide a consistent, reliable measure.


  •  The same time of the day of the scan
  •  The same hydration level
  •  The same food consumption
  •  The same medications
  •  The same supplements
  •  The same caffeine consumption
  •  The same phase of the menstrual cycle, ie. follicular phase or luteal phase.
  •  The client must have full contact with the silver tactile points (particularly full contact with   palms) and the client should have clean hands and feet
  •  Secondly, some other issues you should always consider in the situation where you lose   Lean Body Mass (inclusive of Skeletal Muscle Mass, Protein, and Total Body Water) and   gain Body Fat are as follows ;
  •  Overtraining
  •  Inflammation (tissue inflammation from training which can explain diminished skeletal   muscle tissue and total body water at that point in time that the client has scanned)
  •  Under-eating total calories
  •  Insufficient macronutrient ratios etc.
  •  Medications (inclusive of over the counter medications)
  •  Stimulants, pre-workouts, creatine and beta alanine supplements
  •  Hormone-based implants and medications such as HRT

For these reasons above, we always suggest that it is good practice to consult one of the Fitness Professionals within your Club who can assess and manage your situation to ensure your results align with your goals.

There are some useful hints on scanning conditions etc. on our website, which you can view  HERE