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  2. Evolt 360 Scan Results
  3. Understanding the Evolt 360 Results

Why am I stronger in the gym but my scan results show I have lost skeletal muscle mass?

The common misconception is that increased strength will always result in increased muscle tissue.  There is a neuromuscular component to repetition of exercises where you will see an increase in strength based on familiarity of the exercise and repetition of load.  This is why a method of validating nutrition & exercise is useful in the form of BIA technology.


As the technology uses a frequency to measure impedance and reactance of tissue, hydration and temperature changes will have an impact on scan results. 


The human factor is never a linear, clear cut response as everyone has a different response to factors such as -

  •     Inflammation
  •     Hormonal fluctuations
  •     Blood volume changes
  •     Medications that can alter hydration status
  •     Temperature changes
  •     Medicinal marijuana
  •     Alcohol consumption
  •     Significant cheat meals (high in carbohydrates)

So, if you are looking better and feel better in the gym with increased strength, my suggestion would be to scan again in another 10 days time and keep track of the conditions.  In other words, be conscious of whether you had a high sodium or high carbohydrate meal the night before, whether you slept well etc.  All these things can be important.


The BIA technology is a terrific way to highlight a lot of factors that people are often not conscious of in their daily activity.  It is not only just about nutrition and getting those workouts completed.