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  2. Evolt 360 Scan Results
  3. Understanding the Evolt 360 Results

What does BWI mean?

Bio-Wellness Index (BWI) score is a calculation based on the integrity of lean body mass versus total fat mass in order to provide a more purposeful number out of 10 as an overall measure of progress in the promotion of healthy lean body mass.

Bio-Wellness Index (BWI) score is a calculation based on the integrity of lean body mass versus total fat mass in order to provide a more purposeful number out of 10 as an overall measure of progress in the promotion of healthy lean body mass for longevity. Currently, the antiquated score of BMI uses only a measure of height over weight which doesn’t distinguish whether the weight gained is lean body mass rather than fat mass. Significant research exists supporting the importance of maintaining lean body mass in a fat loss scenario such as:

  • Increased metabolism of lean muscle assists with reduction of obesity
  • Increased muscle glycogen (carbohydrate) storing capacity for exercise
  • Maintaining muscle over the lifespan can aid in reduction in obesity and weight gain as a result of aging (in presence of sarcopenia)
  • Improved ability to tolerate high stress environments
  • Improved responses to critical illness and disease (you could say also prevention of disease in the case of obesity)
  • Decreased osteoporosis
  • Improved bone density
  • Improved independence and activities of daily living in older adults and a decreased risk of falls in older adults
  • Protection against injury from bumps and knocks



The BWI Score is about establishing the right composition of weight gained or lost and takes into account the age and gender of the individual in comparison to the World Health Organization standards. The higher the score out of ten, the better the wellness of the individual or the total collated group. The purpose of the BWI is to provide one simple metric as a measuring score of body composition health.

Athletic Rating – 9.0 - 10

Optimal Rating – 8.0 - 8.9

Average Rating – 7.0 - 7.9

Below Average Rating – 6.0 - 6.9

Poor Rating – 0 - 5.9