How do medications affect your result?

Medications that can alter a scan result

Whilst it is important to always scan under the exact same conditions for consistency and repeatability, there are a number of medications that can alter a scan result where the medications significantly change hydration status, blood volume and body temperature changes.  The most notable being –

  • Medications that influence ICW / ECW (intracellular water & extracellular water) and Nitrogen retention – influence interpretation of protein / mineral measures, soft lean mass etc. Creatine, anabolic, beta 3 agonists, peptides etc. will influence the result.
  • Hydration status – as in euhydrated in this case and influence of things like caffeine intake, pre-workouts,

    diuretics, thermogenics. (dehydrated normally
    overestimates body fat).

  • Other medications that may influence blood volume, include things like Metal Plates, Pins & Gut contents.
  • Water Compartmentalization including Sodium and Potassium (intracellular electrolyte) retention particularly from the use of diuretic medications.
  • Iron status – anaemia vs hemochromatosis – high ferritin = increase red blood cell mass = increase blood viscosity = influence BIA interpretation of total body water and lean body mass – as in register higher soft tissue and total body water therefore may result in reduced measure of total body fat etc. (anaemia may do the opposite).
  • Drugs that increase blood flow via vasoconstriction – changes blood volume and ECW / TBW ratio which influences the interpretation of fat mass, these may include stimulants (Ritalin, Dexedrine, Adderall and Pseudoephedrine (Sudafed)