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  2. Evolt 360 Scan Results
  3. Understanding the Evolt 360 Results

Why are my clients' scan results wrong?

Total body water is the most important metric to understand on the results sheet, there are a number of human factors that can alter the water in our body. 


What is TOTAL BODY WATER: The amount of fluid in the human body. The average person is made up of 55-65% water. This metric should not fluctuate more than 1% either side on the results sheet. 


Fluid Shifts: Due to how impedance technology works, if there is a drop in body water, the resistance to the electrical current increases, which can cause a drop in muscle mass, and results in an equivalent rise in body fat. The opposite is true for a significant rise in body water, causing a similar increase in muscle, and resulting in an equivalent decrease in body fat due to less resistance to the electrical current. 


Please watch this series of videos that deep dives into all factors that can influence results.

Unrealistic Negative Result

Unrealistic Positive Result


Total Body Water Increase

Total Body Water Decrease

ECF Higher than 35% 

ICF Higher than 65% 

The Effects Of Carbohydrates

The Effects Of Carbohydrates

Results Sheet - Total Body Water

Results Sheet - ICF _ ECF

Results Sheet - ICF & ECF