Enable a Passcode System for your Evolt 360 Body Scanner

Set up a passcode system for the scanner to ensure that scanning can only be done by authorized users entering a passcode.

Send an email to support to have the passcode system activated for your Evolt 360 Scanner.

USA Support Evolt Support USA

Outside USA Support Evolt Support

Once activated, navigate to the Control panel screen and press the 'refresh' button to enable the passcode system

Instructions to use the Passcode System:

  1. You will see a faint grey circle on the top right-hand side of your scanning screen.
  2. For each scan, you must click the faint grey circle which will bring up an operator passcode request.
  3. Your login password is also your operator passcode.
  4. Once you have entered the passcode, you will see the faint grey circle turn green.

The green circle enables you one scan credit.