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  2. Evolt Insights
  3. Accessing my Evolt Insights Account

I can't access my Insights Dashboard Account

Accessing your Evolt Insights Dashboard. We can provide some assistance for you to self-service your access.

1. Can't find your welcome email with the access link.

You can self service a new access link by heading to our website https://launch.evoltactive.com/login and clicking the Can't Login? Password Reset link.

Screenshot 2024-06-21 at 4.59.05 pm

Use the email registered to your Evolt Insights Account (this will be your location email and not the Evolt 360 machine login email).

You should then receive a new link to your registered email address.

If you receive a message saying that there is no email registered, please email evoltinsights@evolt360.com for further assistance or lodge a ticket here and one of our team members will be in touch shortly.