1. Knowledge Base
  2. Evolt 360 Scan Results
  3. Understanding the Evolt 360 Results

Does the height being manually entered impact results?

Height does impact scan results, BIA devices must have 5 points of data to provide an accurate, repeatable scan

  • Height
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Weight
  • Impedance

Impedance is a measure of the reactance of tissue in the human body.


The reflection of overall results cannot correlate between different people. Quite often people who are quite fit can have reduced overall results if their lean tissue is at the bottom range of optimal for their height, age and gender.  It could also be that some individuals have higher or lower internal body fat numbers.


It is the same for Body Fat Percentage, which can be skewed between bodies.  In other words, just because someone appears leaner visually, does not mean that they will be leaner as internal body fat around the organs (visceral fat) is not visible to the human eye and takes up part of the overall scores.