1. Knowledge Base
  2. The Evolt Learning Hub
  3. Accessing the Online Education Courses

Accessing the Online Education Courses on our Learning Hub

Our Evolt Learning Hub

We have 2 short courses available for you and your staff. We recommend completing these prior to the arrival of your Evolt 360 scanner. 

Multiply Your Profit With Evolt Course: Monetisation, marketing, pricing, retaining your members, running a successful challenge, lead generation, corporate seminars, successful presale, upselling to coaching/long-term membership packages, Utilising insights dashboard and reporting
Who should complete this course: Owners/Managers/Assistant Managers/Heads of Fitness

Master Coach Course: Understanding BIA technology, mastering the result sheet, best-recommended scanning practices, nutrition, coaching negative results or results you didn't expect, coaching from the result sheet to memberships/packages

Who should complete this course: We recommend ALL staff who are using the Evolt 360 in any facility to ensure success across the team.

Also, customers buying the product, receive multiple emails with the learning hub links in for them to complete the courses. The sales specialists who sold the machine also send out a template to that new customer with the learning hub links suggesting that all staff complete the courses. 

To access the Learning Hub is here: < CLICK HERE >

If you need assistance logging in or creating a profile, please contact our team HERE


Please note on the homepage:

Managers and owners, please click: "Owners & Operators".

Coaches and staff, please click "Personal Trainers/ Instructors/ Evolt Users".


Within each section, you will find two courses:

"Master Coach Course" should be completed by anyone using the scanner.

"Multiply Your Profit With Evolt 360" should be completed by owners, managers and sales consultants.